Peer Learning Network

Home Peer Learning Network

About the Peer Learning Network (PLN)

PIBC PLNIt was announced in September 2023 that the Province of B.C., Ministry of Housing is partnering with PIBC to develop and implement a new Peer Learning Network (PLN) to support local government staff with their counterparts across the province. The need for a PLN was identified during consultation with stakeholders as part of the Province’s Development Approvals Process Review (DAPR). Through the PLN, participants will:

  • Share knowledge, best practices and experiences with adjusting to new development approvals-related legislation.
  • Receive education and capacity building about DAPR initiatives.
  • Learn about local government-initiated improvements to aspects of their own development approvals process.

The Province has provided PIBC with $500,000 CAD in funding over 3 years for the development and implementation of a PLN. Click here to read the Ministry of Housing's official press release.

As PIBC continues its work on developing and implementing the PLN, please visit the links below for current updates and resources.

Questions about the PLN and related activities? Please email


PLN Webinars & Events

PIBC offers free learning events open to both PIBC Members and Non-Members but registration is required. Please feel free to share and circulate to your networks and contacts throughout the region. Stay tuned for more events to come. For past PLN webinars and event recordings, click here.

PIBC PLN Webinar #4 - Housing Needs Reports (October 15, 2024)

Click here to watch the webinar recording on PIBC's YouTube channel.


Join the PLN Peer Discussion Forum!

PLN Peer ForumJump in and continue (or start) conversations on the PIBC PLN Peer Discussion Forum

This online forum is a great place to share your learnings and ask questions about the new housing legislation and follow up on Peer Learning Network (PLN) sessions or webinars. You can join groups based on regions or topics of interest.

Already completed work? Please post a link to your bylaws on our regional discussion boards.

Click here to join the PLN Peer Discussion Forum to connect & share!



Planning West - The Housing Issue (Spring 2024)

Click here to download the Spring 2024 issue of PIBC's Planning West magazine, a special edition focused on sharing housing-related knowledge & experience, including implementations and implications of the new provincial housing legislation in BC. Please share with your peers and networks.


PIBC Local Peer Learning Pod: Apply for Event Funding

documentThe PIBC Peer Learning Network is offering funding support of up to $1,000 for small groups of practitioners working in or with local and regional governments (including planners who are both PIBC members and non-members), across BC who are interested and willing to self-organize and host one or more small peer learning event(s) in their local area.

These events are intended to be hyper-local, self-directed, and peer-focused, and are intended to facilitate collaboration and practical information-sharing between practitioners and communities as they work to implement new policy changes, practices, and tools to comply with the new provincial housing legislation.

Before submitting your application, please click here to read in full the PIBC Peer Learning Pod Framework and Criteria. All events approved for funding must be held as planned and approved.

Click here for the Local Peer Learning Pod Event Funding application form.


Past Events

Looking for past PIBC Peer Learning Network recordings and resources? Please visit the PLN Past Events web page.



Provincial Links & Timelines

*NEW* Bill 16 provides local governments with new and updated tools to enact bylaws that support proactive planning to build more housing, including affordable housing. Click here for the Bill 16 web page.

As noted in the Province's press release (December 7, 2023), below are important timelines for legislation and the accompanying regulations and guides to deliver homes to people faster as part of the Province’s Homes for People action plan. Click here to read the Province's Press Release (December 7, 2023).

December 2023

- Regulations for Bill 35, 44, 47 deposited; 
- Province designates interim TOD Areas and policy manual released; and
- Small-scale, multi-unit housing policy manual provided to local governments.

Early 2024

Housing Needs Report guidance provided to local governments.

Feb. 29, 2024

Local governments’ requests must be submitted to opt out of the principal-residence requirement.

May 1, 2024

- Principal-residence requirement (including definition of exempt areas or accommodations), changes to legal non-conforming use protections; and
- Short-term rental hosts will be required to display a valid business licence number on their listing, where a business licence is required by a local government.

June/July 2024

Guidance provided to municipalities to update Official Community Plans and zoning bylaws.

June 30, 2024

- Local governments must have designated TOD Areas bylaw and removed minimum residential-parking requirements; and
- Local governments must have updated their zoning bylaw to accommodate small-scale, multi-unit housing requirements (except in areas where they have applied for an extension).

Jan. 1, 2025

Local governments must have completed their interim Housing Needs Report.

Dec. 31, 2025

Municipalities must update their Official Community Plans and Zoning Bylaws (based on the interim Housing Needs Report). Guidance provided to municipalities to update Official Community Plans and zoning bylaws.  

Quickscribe Online

All PIBC members are entitled to make use of Quickscribe Online (CivicLaws) through to December 31st, 2024 (extended from August 1st), at which point your access will simply discontinue. This service will make it easier for you to navigate, research, understand and keep tabs on relevant annotated local government legislation and related information.

The legislation on this site is routinely updated several months before any other source including legislation on BCLaws. The new version of the service now includes a new “Ask Bill” (Buholzer) feature that will provide you with legal guidance through the new planning and land use reforms. Quickscribe also includes a fully searchable version of the SSMUH and TOA policy manuals. The SSMUH manual includes annotations and supplemental notes with convenient reference links to relevant legislation.

This Quickscribe training video will help to point out the key features of this made-in-BC service.

Quickscribe Webinar

Access Instructions

You must create a personal password prior to accessing your account.
- Go to:
- Enter the following temporary username as “pibc1” and password “pibc2” *case sensitive
- Create your own personal username (email address) and password as prompted by the Account Upgrade Wizard
- Await an email from Quickscribe and click on the activation link within.

PIBC PLN Updates

Click on dates and links below to learn more about PIBC's Peer Learning Network updates.

January 3, 2024 - In December 2023, a letter providing an update on the development of the PLN was delivered to the Minister of Housing. Click here to read the complete letter.

February 1, 2024 - PIBC outlined the next steps in the initial planning of the PLN.

February 5, 2024 - PIBC outlines the priority actions, approaches and timelines for the PLN.

June 26, 2024 - A letter detailing the completed and ongoing PLN initiatives were delivered to the Minister of Housing. Click here to read the complete letter.

August 23, 2024 - A letter from the Minister of Housing in response to the PLN updates in June was delivered to PIBC. Click here to read the complete letter.


Other Events & Webinars 

Webinar Series for Local Government Staff 
(January 2024 - Ongoing)

webinar recordingsThe Province of British Columbia is hosting webinars to support local government implementation of Bills 44, 46, and 47 and other new legislations and regulations. Each webinar is designed to provide technical overviews of the requirements along with a question-and-answer period. 

Visit the Local Government & Housing web page for upcoming webinars, webinar recordings and presentation materials.

*PLEASE NOTE: The above webinars and related resources for local government staff are provided by the Ministry of Housing. Please contact with any questions.

PIBC Resources
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Peer Learning Network
PIBC Resources

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