About PIBC

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About PIBC

Our Strategic Vision:

The PIBC is a thriving organization, supporting professional planners to manage change in support of resilient, connected, inclusive and vibrant communities.

Who We Are:

The Planning Institute of British Columbia (PIBC) is the professional association of planners in British Columbia and Yukon and has been dedicated to the advancement of the planning profession for more than 60 years. The Institute was incorporated in 1958 under the Society Act of British Columbia with just eight founding members. There are currently over 1,700 PIBC members.

PIBC is also closely associated with the Canadian Institute of Planners (CIP) - the national association - and other planning Provincial and Territorial Institutes and Associations (PTIAs) across Canada.

Professional members of PIBC are forward thinking individuals who work in both the public and private sectors and in many different fields of planning including: land-use and development, municipal and regional planning, resource and environmental management, policy planning and law, heritage conservation, transportation planning, economic development, urban design and more. Professional planners use their knowledge, skills and experience to help shape more livable, sustainable communities and environments.

RPP - Registered Professional Planners:

Fully qualified professional, or Certified PIBC members, in good standing have the exclusive right and privilege to utilize the professional title 'Registered Professional Planner' and designation 'RPP' in British Columbia and Yukon. They may also use the designation 'MCIP' (Member of the Canadian Institute of Planners) to indicate their professional status nationally with the CIP.

PIBC is governed by an elected Board of Directors comprised of volunteer members who work with Institute staff and other volunteers to carrying out the work of the profession including:

  • Maintaining and administering standards and requirements for professional membership
  • Upholding professional and ethical standards for the profession
  • Providing services, events, programs and other benefits to Institute members
  • Advancing, promoting, and supporting the planning profession and good planning practice

To find out more about PIBC and the planning profession, click on the PDFs below.

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