Join as a Pre-Candidate
Becoming a Pre-Candidate with the PIBC is an excellent opportunity for individuals pursuing a career in planning and who intend to seek Candidate and ultimately Certified membership and 'Registered Professional Planner' status with the Institute to get connected with the profession and the Institute, if they are not yet eligible for admission to Candidate membership. Review the Roadmap to RPP which outlines the certification process.
This includes individuals who hold a degree from a university planning school/program which is formally accredited by the Canadian Institute of Planners (CIP) & PIBC, but who are not currently employed in planning. It also includes individuals who are employed in planning but who do not hold an accredited planning degree and are not yet eligible for admission to Candidate membership.
Pre-Candidate membership does not include equivalent joint membership with the CIP. Individuals interested in similar non-corporate membership with CIP should mark their interest on the application form or contact our office for more information.
The following membership application form should only be used by eligible applicants who wish to become a Pre-Candidate:
Application for Pre-Candidate [PDF]
Click here for PIBC Membership Fees information.
PIBC Membership / Subscription Eligibility:
Please look over the PSC Planning Scope Guide to clarify what is considered a job position in Planning in Canada.
If you are not employed in Planning
Pre-Candidate Membership:
- You have an Accredited Planning University Degree, and
- No Employment in Planning
- Click here for the Pre-Candidate application via PIBC
If you are employed in Planning:
Pre-Candidate Membership:
- You have a Non-accredited (Non-)Planning University Degree,
- Employment in Planning, and
- Less than 5 years of responsible professional planning experience
- Click here for the Pre-Candidate Membership application via PIBC
Visit our Membership FAQs page for more information on PIBC Membership eligibility and the Registered Professional Planner (RPP) certification process.