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Latest Continuous Professional Learning (CPL) Updates

The PIBC Continuous Professional Learning (CPL) System is designed to be user-friendly and flexible for professional members while accomplishing the collective goals of the Institute and its membership – to maintain the highest professional standards and latest knowledge, understanding, skills and abilities relevant to the theory, methods, and practice of professional planning in BC and Yukon. Key attributes of the CPL system include flexibility and easy online reporting of CPL activities by members.


Members must login and access the online CPL Reporting form to complete their CPL reporting at: PIBC Member Login page.


Helpful Quick Links for CPL Program & Reporting Information


Current CPL Reporting Deadline

The next reporting deadline for the current period for Candidate & Certified members is December 31, 2024.

Please be aware to apply for on leave status (allowed min 6 months to up to 24 months for Candidate & Certified Members) for special circumstances (such as medical leave, maternity or paternity leave or unemployment etc) to be exempt for the CPL Reporting for that time-frame.

Without any given info about special circumstances (email is sufficient), PIBC staff will assume you are required to report normally by the December 31 deadline of the given reporting year.

Late Reporting Fees will be assessed for missed deadlines and your Membership can be revoked, when not all CPL Reporting requirements are met at the given deadlines (PIBC Bylaws).


CPL reporting with the current database:

Updates - How to report: Please report everything into the 2024 cycle (no limit any longer).

It's expected that the old "carry forward into next year" function will be added into the current database sometimes in 2024 to reflect the old reporting style. We will keep you informed.


CPL reporting is now reported per cycle, similar to reporting period or reporting year (Jan 1 - Dec 31, 2024).

Please copy & paste for the 2024 reporting year from the provided Excel sheet here (stand as of June 12): 2024 PIBC CPL Events.


Please make sure to fill out the important fields such as Provider & Completion Date, although those fields are not marked as required yet. We will fix this with the new database provider soon, since this info is required to be provided for CPL Audit reasons.

Members looking to report the 2023 annual conference sessions for CPL credit can download the document below and copy & paste the session titles for their 2023 CPL reporting into their profiles. The online sessions have a star before their title.

Please find all 2023 PIBC CPL Events, including conference sessions, in the following document (stand as of November 23): 2023 PIBC CPL Events

How to Set Your Password and Login

New applicants or pending Transfers won't get access until official approval.

You will need to set your password the first time you access the Member Area or if you need to reset your password. 

Main PTIA: Your login access point and information is now the same for both the CIP and PIBC Member Areas.

Joint PTIA: Your login access point and information will only give you access to the PIBC Member Areas. The CPL Reporting function will only be available via your main PTIA profile.

Username is always your primary email address

  1. Go to the PIBC Member Area login page (Link:
  2. Click “Forgot Password”
  3. Enter your primary email on file with PIBC and click submit
  4. You will receive an auto-generated email sent from Please check your SPAM filter to avoid receiving issues.
  5. Click the link provided to set your password


To support accessible CPL opportunities for members PIBC offers (and will continue to offer) a variety of online webinars and other virtual content throughout the year. 

In addition to PIBC’s online webinars and learning activities, members can also access relevant learning opportunities from other external organizations, including on-demand CPL content through CIP's Professional Learning HUB and OPPI's Digital Learning Site as examples.

PIBC 2024 Annual Conference Sessions & CPL Reporting

All regular conference sessions (depending on the In-Person or Online option) from the 2024 annual conference are eligible with a paid registration for CPL credits that can be reported by members.

With the current database: Members looking to report the 2024 annual conference sessions for CPL credit can download the agenda “2024 PIBC CPL Events” and copy & paste the session titles for their 2024 CPL reporting into their profiles.

Members wish to login and access the online CPL reporting form should click here to go to the PIBC Member Login page.

Please be aware, that we will get a new membership database system later this year and access to your online member profile will be restricted during the transfer period. Please use the Excel Reporting form, if needed.

Technical Issues with Online Reporting

To minimize the possibility of technical problems during the online CPL reporting process, members should be sure to accept the PIBC website and cookies policy if prompted when visiting the PIBC website to login. Additionally, members are encouraged to enter and save each CPL activity individually to avoid the potential for data to be lost if there is a problem with the online reporting form.

Members who encounter any significant technical issues with the online reporting form should contact PIBC right away for assistance. 

For technical online issues, you can send us your CPL reporting information (such as who hosted the event, the title of the event, when and where details, etc.) in an Excel spread sheet and email to, if needed. This information must be submitted and received in good order and on time. For any questions or to submit CPL reports separately, please email

CPL Reporting Exemptions

Candidate & Certified Members are reminded to report their CPL activities and learning units regularly and on time before the December 31st deadline each year. Members are strongly encouraged to report each of their activities as they complete them throughout the year to avoid any last-minute end-of-year reporting rush. Newly approved Candidate Members will be exempt for their first reporting year.

Members are also reminded that only members who have applied for and been granted leave from active membership by PIBC, or who have otherwise requested and been granted a specific one-time waiver due to extenuating individual circumstances, may be exempt from CPL reporting requirements for a particular limited period of time.

Additionally, members with certain membership status or within certain membership categories (as designated by the Board) are exempt from the CPL requirements. These include: Student members, Retired members, Pre-Candidates, Honourary members and members formally granted leave from active membership.

CPL Information & Links

For complete and detailed information on the CPL program be sure to click, download and carefully review the PIBC CPL System Guide. Members who encounter CPL reporting challenges can email Manager of Member Programs & Services Kelly Chan at

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