Justice, Equity, Diversity, Decolonization and Inclusion Task Force
The Justice, Equity, Diversity, Decolonization and Inclusion (JEDDI) Task Force, under the direction and with the support of the Board, is responsible for undertaking work and providing recommendations to assist in the advancement of the Institute’s broad objectives to enhance understanding, build capacity, and implement actions related to justice, equity, diversity, decolonization, and inclusion.
Current activities: Formed in 2024, the Task Force will be developing and recommending to the Board a scope of work and plan to engage external expertise to assist the Institute in undertaking a JEDDI review / assessment of the Institute and the planning profession in British Columbia and Yukon.
Current Task Force Members:
- Dear Bhokanandh RPP, MCIP (Co-Chair)
- Eva Hou RPP, MCIP (Co-Chair)
- Anmol Anand (Candidate)
- Kendra Cheeseman (Pre-Candidate)
- Anoop Dayal (Student)
- Colin Dring (Candidate)
- Tomoko Hagio RPP, MCIP
- Kamelli Mark RPP, MCIP
- Neil Nunn (Non-Accredited Student)
- Emily Proskiw (Candidate)
- Kai Okazaki (Candidate)
- Megan Uglem (Student)
- Kelly Chan (Institute Staff)
- Ray Kan (Institute Staff)