Planning West magazine relies upon the submissions of volunteer members and other authors to regularly contribute to its rich and informative content. PIBC welcomes contributions and articles from members and non-members alike who are interested in reaching a professional planning audience or have something related to planning to share. Click here to view past issues in the Planning West online archive.
Planning West Editor
If you are interested in writing an article, making a submission or have any questions about our magazine's content, please contact our Editor:
Jared Kassel RPP, MCIP
Publication & Submission Deadlines:
Planning West is published quarterly - every winter, spring, summer and fall. The following deadlines apply for submissions:
- Winter: December 15th (publication – February)
- Spring: March 15th (publication – May)
- Summer: June 27th (publication – August)
- Fall: September 15th (publication – November)
Making A Submission – Tips & Guidelines
If you are writing an article or submission for Planning West, below is a general guideline and some technical and editorial tips. Please note that not all articles may be accommodated based on editorial decisions and the number of submissions received. We suggest contacting our Planning West Editor to discuss your submission and your questions.
- Types of Submissions: We welcome planning-related articles, book reviews, and submissions covering current events.
- Submission Length: Typical feature articles should be around 1,000 – 1,200 words in length.
- Submission Format: Submissions should be written in a long-form “story-telling” format, as opposed to a short-form, bullet point, or technical style. Submissions should be come in the form of a text-based electronic file, such as WORD, without formatting. Please do not embed any special fonts or graphics.
- Photos & Graphic Elements: We strongly encourage the inclusion of accompanying photographs or graphic elements (such as charts, graphs, diagrams etc.). Be sure to include them with the submission as separate electronic files, not embedded within the submission document, and they must be of the high resolution quality for print (minimum resolution of 300 dpi).
- Author Information: Submissions should include the full name, occupational title, and organizational affiliation(s) of the author for publication.
- Original Work: Submissions should be the unique and original work of the author/submitter. Where outside sources or other work are used, quoted, or relied upon, appropriate full disclosure and citations must be used. Appropriate source or credit information is also required for all photos or graphic elements.
- Voluntary Submission: Submissions made to Planning West are entirely voluntary on the part of the originating author/submitter.
- Editing: All submissions are subject to review. The Editor and the Institute reserve the right to accept and publish (in whole or in part), or reject, any submission for any reason. The Editor and the Institute also reserve the right to edit all submissions for publication, based on clarity, length, grammar, format, legal, or any other considerations. The Editor may, at her/his discretion, consult with a submission author regarding the editing of their submission for publication where appropriate.
- Copyright: Planning West, and its entire contents, are copyright © The Planning Institute of British Columbia, and may only be copied, shared, or otherwise reproduced with the express written permission of the Institute.
Questions? Please e-mail our Editor at: