Join as a Candidate Member
Based on new membership criteria and processes that came into effect on June 11th, 2012, individuals seeking Candidate membership must first have their qualifications assessed by the nationally-based Professional Standards Board for the planning profession in Canada (PSB), prior to admission to Candidate membership in PIBC. The PSB is now the first stop for applicants for Candidate membership. Only once an applicant has been assessed by the PSB and recommended for admission can they be admitted to Candidate membership. A summary of the criteria for Candidate membership is available here. Review the Roadmap to RPP which outlines the certification process.
The process for applying for Candidate membership is as follows:
- Apply for assessment of your qualifications with the Professional Standards Board (PSB)
- Following successful assessment by the PSB, submit confirmation and payment of membership fees to PIBC
- Receive formal admission to Candidate membership by the PIBC Board of Directors
Get started by visiting and contacting the PSB. Please see the PSB links below. Be sure to review all the applicant information carefully prior to submitting your application for assessment, to ensure Candidate membership is the right path for you. Click here for PIBC Membership Fees information.
Once you have been assessed and recommended for admission, we look forward to welcoming you as a Candidate member of PIBC!
Not yet eligible for Candidate Membership? Become a Pre-Candidate - find more info here or below.
Learn More about PIBC Candidate Membership
Please contact PIBC for membership-related Inquiries
Please contact PSB for PSB Applications & PSB Certification process related Inquiries
View the PIBC webinar on the PSB Certification process here.
Visit our Membership FAQs page for more information on PIBC Membership eligibility and the Registered Professional Planner (RPP) certification process.
Please find the different Routes to apply for Candidate Membership here and below:
- Application with an accredited degree:
- Application with an unaccredited degree (PLAR):
- Application under Reciprocal / Advanced Standing:
Accredited Degree Route if:
- You have an Accredited Planning University Degree, and
- Employment in Planning
- Click here for the Candidate Membership application via the Professional Standards Board
Prior Learning Assessment Recognition (PLAR) Route if:
- You have a Non-accredited (Non-)Planning University Degree,
- Employment in Planning, and
- A minimum of 5 years of responsible professional planning experience
- Click here for the Candidate Membership application via the Professional Standards Board
The Professional Standards Board (PSB) manages the Planning Certification Process Canada-wide. Once your application is processed and your eligibility is confirmed, the PSB will copy the appropriate local affiliation (PIBC - for BC & Yukon candidates) on your Candidate Membership eligibility email, who would then follow up with you.
You must be a current Candidate Member of the affiliation in the Province you are living and/or working in, while you are going through the process with the PSB. In case you move to another Province, you must be transferred into the affiliation of the other province (request via leaving affiliation); the PSB would be informed of the Membership Transfer, but the Certification Process itself would stay the same.
PSB Related Resources
- PSB - How to be a Mentor for a Candidate member:
- PSB - How to be a Sponsor for a Candidate Member:
- PSB Ethics and Professionalism Course :
- PSB Exam:
- Find other mentor/mentee resources on the PIBC Mentorship Resources page.