Professional Standards & Certification Committee
The Professional Standards & Certification Committee is a standing committee of the Board and is responsible for the oversight, coordination, and maintenance of the Institute’s membership admission and certification standards, university planning program accreditation standards, and other relevant membership requirements.
Current activities: Assisted PIBC in handling approximately 397 membership applications, admissions, transfers, membership status changes, and other membership actions. Substantial work was done to further develope the proposed new and updated professional competencies and related indicators for the planning profession in Canada. Work was also done for a consistent and structured process for monitoring CPL compliance, including random reviews of members’ annual CPL reporting and required time limits for membership completion.
Click here to read about this Committee's work (excerpt from current PIBC Annual Report).
Current Committee Members:
- Kenna Jonkman RPP, MCIP (Co-Chair)
- Zoë Morrison RPP, MCIP (Co-Chair)
- Patricia Dehnel RPP, MCIP
- Sarah Foulkes
- Alex Kondor RPP, MCIP
- Claire Negrin RPP, MCIP
- Katrin Saxty RPP, MCIP
- Kelly Chan (Institute Staff)