Register of Members
PIBC’s Register of Members lists current members in good standing only. New members will be listed after they are officially approved by PIBC's Board of Directors.
Renewal time (Nov - Jan): Please be aware, that category or status changes for January 1 are done in November already to have the correct info, when the Renewal notices will be sent out in November (For example: an active Certified Member until Dec 31 and going on Non-Practicing status on Jan 1 will already appear as Non-Practicing Certified Member in November).
Members, who would like to update their info, can do this via their online profile by logging in here.
Please contact for any name changes as this can be done by PIBC staff only. If you are changing your address PIBC staff will be informed and would change you into the correct Chapter.
If you are not a member or have questions about the Register, please contact
Currently Non-Resident membership categories (PIBC as 2nd PTIA) won't be shown in the published roster. We are in contact via CIP with our current database provider to get this updated in the future. Please contact us at to get proof of a current PIBC Joint Membership.
The Non-Accredited Student Subscriber and the Public Subscriber categories won't be shown in the published roster as they are not a membership category. Please contact us at to get proof of a current PIBC Non-Accredited Student Subscriber or a Public Subscriber.