Climate Action Task Force
We make decisions every day and each one has an impact. Most planners are aware that climate change is occurring and that planning plays a key role in attacking its causes and mitigating climate impacts already underway. The reality is, however, many of us struggle to put solutions into action in our work for a variety of reasons – whether due to politics, leadership choices, funding shortfalls or lack of up to date information.
With this as a backdrop, PIBC has established the Climate Action Task Force (CATF) with a mandate to:
‘Champion action on climate policy, help our membership in taking action on climate change, and collaborating with and advocating for progressive policy solutions by senior levels of government.‘The members of the CATF are pursuing a set of deliverables including a climate action survey of the membership (thank you to those who participated!), creation of a brief literature review of best practises and a climate resource section on the PIBC website, as well as ongoing and future climate action webinars (for CPL credit) to serve the membership; and finally, bringing recommending possible actions to PIBC Council in advance of the Provincial election – all of these actions informed by the membership survey.
We encourage you to use our resources (such as the Climate Action issue of Planning West and the PIBC Resources section), participate in our Climate Action Webinars and consider what action you can take to change the climate in your planning work environment.
The CATF Terms of Reference is attached below (PDF).
Climate Action Member Survey Update:
The results from our Climate Action Member Survey is in! Thank you to everyone who participated in the Climate Action Member Survey and congratulations to D. Schaal from West Kelowna and L. Sales from Qualicum Beach as the random draw winners of the $100 gift cards for completing the survey.
Click here for the PIBC Climate Action Member Survey results.Submitted by:
Co-Chairs, Iain Bourhill RPP, MCIP, Director of Planning, City of Colwood and Suzanne Smith RPP, MCIP, Planner 2, City of North Vancouver on behalf of the PIBC Climate Action Task Force:
- George Benson (UBC SCARP student, Vancouver)
- Coral Breen RPP, MCIP (Senior Planner, District of North Saanich)
- Christine Callihoo RPP, MCIP (Senior Land Use & Community Planner, Consultant, Vancouver)
- Ryan Hennessy RPP, MCIP (Senior Energy Planner, Yukon govt)
- Darwin Horning RPP, MCIP, PhD (Assistant Professor, School of Environmental Planning University of Northern British Columbia, Prince George)
- John Ingram RPP, MCIP (Principal & Senior Planner, Ecoplan International, Vancouver)
- Sara Muir-Owen RPP, MCIP (Program Manager, PICS, Vancouver)
- Peter Russell RPP, MCIP (Sr. Manager, Sustainability & District Energy, Richmond)
Bruce Simard (GM of Development Services, Peace River RD, Dawson Creek)