Climate action requires a multi-pronged approach. In the area of transportation, we need to rethink how we move (and transport). There are a number of ‘new age’ strategies currently underway in British Columbia.
Active transportation is a major initiative by the provincial Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure to look at how to plan and build the infrastructure necessary to support alternative transportation modes such as more cycling, walking, transit to reduce congestion and GHG emissions. The Ministry is asking for input from planners and transportation engineers on the types of infrastructure needed; how do we improve public awareness and education about active transportation; and how to work with communities to implement priorities?
Patricia will share the Community Energy Association’s goal of connecting communities, energy and sustainability. She will discuss projects that are currently underway, as well as outline planning goals for future rural electric vehicle charging networks in British Columbia.
Dale will present the City of Vancouver’s Future Mobility work plan and connectivity initiatives. Specific topic areas will include automated & connected vehicles, electric and shared vehicles, and how these forward-thinking transportation initiatives can be applied provincially.
Our Speakers:
Andrew Brooke, Executive Director, Programs and Corporate Initiatives,
Ministry of Transportation & Infrastructure
Patricia Dehnel MCIP, RPP
Community Relations Manager & Carbon Neutral Specialist,
Community Energy Association
Dale Bracewell, MASc., Peng.
Manager, Transportation Planning
City of Vancouver
Cost + gst:
PIBC Member: $39.00
PIBC Member Group: $99.00
Non-Member: $59.00
Non-Member Group: $139.00
Deadline to register: Tuesday, May 28th at 4:00 pm