The Gentle Density Leaders Summit is an essential gathering for forward-thinkers dedicated to unlocking the potential of gentle density housing in British Columbia and beyond. Don’t miss your opportunity to engage, connect, and collaborate with fellow visionaries who are reshaping the future of our communities by thinking BIG about building small.
Last year, we gathered to identify barriers to implementing Bill 44 (SSMUH), and learn what international jurisdictions were doing to implement gentle density. This year, we’re sharing key strategies to getting gentle density housing built, and to dig into some of the more challenging issues facing housing industry professionals and policy makers. The agenda is below:
8:00 AM - Registration, Breakfast, Welcome & Greeting
9:30 AM - Debate: Who Pays for Growth?
10:30 AM - Offsite Construction: A Panel
11:35 AM - Financing Options for Gentle Density Housing
1:15 PM - Getting it 'Just Right': Designing Mechanical Systems for Gentle Density Housing
2:50 PM - Connecting Small Housing to the Electrical Grid (pt 1)
3:45 PM - Connecting Small Housing to the Electrical Gric (pt 2)
4:30 PM - Closing Remarks
5:00 PM - Building Connections Reception
The full schedule, including speakers and session descriptions can be found at:

British Columbia,