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Energy efficiency and carbon pollution standards that were scheduled for late 2022 will be updated in the BC Building Code (BCBC) in early 2023. The BC Energy Step Code, a provincial building standard incorporated within the BCBC will require all new buildings constructed in BC to be 20 percent more energy efficient than those built to the current minimum requirements of the BCBC. Please join us for an update on the upcoming changes, including information on the new Carbon Pollution Standard, and an implementation progress report from industry and local government representatives. This webinar is for local government planners and building industry officials, including private sector representatives who work with the BCBC.
Presentations include:
- Ministerial Update from the Building and Safety Standards Branch of the Ministry of Housing;
- Explanation of the role of a Registered Energy Advisor (REA);
- Case studies illustrating best practices from around BC, including cold climate examples, First Nations partnerships, and Part 9 & Multi-Unit Residential Buildings examples from large and smaller communities;
- Local government perspective on the procedural part of accelerating the new BCBC stakeholder engagement and bylaw amendments (opportunities, challenges, and suggestions for improvements).
Our Speakers:
Scott Williams P.Eng, CPHD, LEED AP
Senior Codes Engineer
Building and Safety Standards Branch
Ministry of Housing
Scott is a Senior Codes Engineer with the Building and Safety Standards Branch and his primary focus is on the development and successful implementation of the BC Energy Step Code and the transition to net-zero energy ready buildings and zero-carbon new construction. With over 12 years of experience as a Building Enclosure Engineer, Scott brings his strong technical background and passion for green building design to the development of policies and technical regulations relating to the building performance and the BC Building Code.
Mark Bernhardt, B.Sc. CPHC, REA
President, Bernhardt Contracting Ltd.
CEO of Energy Code Solutions
For the last decade Mark and his team have spent their time developing, building, retrofitting, and consulting on some of Canada’s highest performance homes. Mark is also a Registered Energy Advisor and Passive House Consultant, and over the past few years has spent much of his time helping other builders gear up for Step Code and higher performance buildings. He serves on several provincial code committees and chairs the CHBA BC technical committee.
Rebecca Newlove
Manager of Sustainability, Sustainability & Strategic Initiatives Division
District of Saanich
Rebecca has led the Sustainability Division at the District of Saanich since 2017. The primary focus of this team is implementing the award winning 2020 Climate Plan: 100% Renewable and Resilient Saanich. The team adopts a truly collaborative and systems-based approach – recognizing that it takes a community working together to achieve our vision and targets. Equity and community well-being are key elements embedded in our work, alongside the need to be bold, ambitious and lead by example. While there remains a strong focus on GHG emissions and eliminating fossil fuels, our team sees a considerable role for nature-based solutions in building climate resiliency and an ever-more critical need to value ecosystem services and protect and enhance our natural assets.
Rebecca has a varied background in renewable energy, transit, zero-carbon housing-led regeneration, sustainable food systems and environmental impact assessment. She lives with her husband and two daughters in wonderful Victoria, BC and can be found hiking or biking the regional trails, eating the fantastic local food or in one of the great local brewpubs.
Derek de Candole
Community Energy Specialist
City of Victoria
Derek has been a Community Energy Specialist at the City of Victoria since 2021. His focus is on reducing emissions from buildings in the community through the development of policies, program and regulations. Derek has over a decade of local government experience, working in economic a and community development before beginning his work in climate action in 2017 with the City of Kamloops.
He led the engagement and policy development for Step Code adoption while at the City of Kamloops and more recently collaborated at the regional level to develop the Step Code and Carbon Pollution Standards policy at the City of Victoria.