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What practical skills do planners need to succeed at their jobs? Join us for a crash course on the essentials - technical writing, engagement strategies, due diligence, and ethical conduct. Our knowledgeable and highly experienced panel will introduce you to important planning skills that engage the public and have an impact on decision-making:
- Technical Writing – develop your writing skills to be clear, persuasive, accessible and inclusive in the wide range of documents you prepare;
- Engagement Strategies – learn to engage effectively with council and the public, and how to handle difficult situations;
- Due Diligence in Planning – find out your legal obligations and ensure that you are following protocols and procedures in development approvals;
- Ethical Conduct in Planning – learn how to address “sticky” situations, and the procedures for reporting perceived unethical behaviour.
Our Speakers
Lisa Orchard
Principal, Scribe Technical Writers & Editors
Lisa Orchard is owner and principal consultant of Scribe Technical Writers & Editors. She is an urban expert who brings a big-picture, interdisciplinary, and creative approach to city building that combines her experience in several related fields: technical writing, technical editing, urban planning, policy and research, community engagement, and intergovernmental relations. She has been involved in research, policy, and planning projects for many high-profile, effective projects that will have an impact on our urban environment for decades into the future.
Mark Koch RPP, MCIP
Principal, Context Group
Based in the Okanagan Valley, Mark Koch has extensive experience as a Professional Planner, consultant, land developer, and local government leader. During the course of his career, Mark has worked with First Nations, developers and municipalities in Canada and overseas. Mark has served as Planning Director in three fast growing communities, and holds Masters Degrees in both Planning and Public Administration. Committed to volunteerism, Mark has assisted PIBC and the LGMA by serving a Chapter President and Board President respectively. Mark believes that the current winner takes all approvals process must be re-centered, in order to balance housing supply, public discourse, private and public priorities.
Lui Carvello RPP, MCIP
Lawyer & Planner, Carvello Law
Lui Carvello RPP, MCIP is a planner and lawyer who prides himself on sharing his knowledge and experience with his clients and the profession. With 22+ years of legal practice, including at Canada's largest law firm advising developers and major corporations and at a boutique municipal law firm, Lui’s own firm focusses on his passion: Planning, Development and Environmental Law. Carvello Law advises only local governments, conservation organizations, and First Nations, having grown from the "Original 6" in 2010 to 50+ clients across British Columbia. Based in Victoria, the traditional territory of the Songhees and Esquimalt People, Lui strives for excellence in client service through Practical Advice, Creative Options and Value.
Lindsay Chase RPP, MCIP
Member, PIBC Professional Conduct Review Committee
Member, Professional Standards Board for the Planning Profession in Canada
Lindsay Chase RPP MCIP is a member of the Professional Standards Board for the Planning Profession in Canada, and the PIBC Professional Conduct Review Committee (the committee responsible for overseeing and administering the Institute’s Code of Professional Conduct including investigating complaints of alleged misconduct against members); Instructor in the Master of Community Planning Program at Vancouver Island University; PhD Candidate in Geography at the University of Victoria; and has over 20 years of experience as a planner in rural and urban communities. Lindsay’s current research interests are related to professional ethics, research methods and making policy connections between biospheres and local governments.