Click here to view this event recording on PIBC's YouTube channel.
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The PIBC Peer Learning Network is organizing a peer learning event in Kelowna at the Skaha-Vasseux Room, Delta Grand Okanagan Resort & Conference Centre, where local governments, practitioners, and others can come together to learn, share emerging practices, and participate in facilitated discussions around implementation of the new provincial housing legislation in communities across the Okanagan and Interior regions of BC.
This free peer learning event is open to both PIBC Members and Non-Members but registration is required, and space may be limited. Please feel free to share and circulate to your networks and contacts throughout the region.
Please feel free to share and circulate to
your networks and contacts throughout the region.
The event provides an opportunity for local government officials, planners, and other practitioners to hear from a local government located in the Interior about their experience addressing the new provincial housing legislation. It will also provide an opportunity to hear from a lawyer about the specific challenges communities in the Okanagan and Interior are likely to face when revising zoning bylaws and other regulations to comply with the new legislation. The session will conclude with a facilitated, peer-based discussion about emerging practices, next steps, and promising strategies for implementation.
We anticipate that the presentations will be recorded and shared on the PLN webpage for any participants who are unable to participate in-person. Please note that the peer-to-peer discussions will not be recorded.
For more information about the PIBC Peer Learning Network and related events, please visit: or email
Our Speakers
Nola Kilmartin RPP, MCIP
Development Planning Department Manager, City of Kelowna
Nola is the Development Planning Department Manager for the City of Kelowna. A registered professional planner and experienced public consultation practitioner, she has worked in the public and private sector, most recently with WSP in Kelowna as the BC provincial Manager for Planning, Landscape Architecture and Urban Design. She has overseen various official plans, engagement strategies, strategic plans, and urban design guidelines, from urban forestry to main street improvements. Nola has worked extensively on urban infill in western Canada, and large-scale development projects throughout the BC interior, including orchards, master-planned waterfront resorts, and purpose-built rental multi-family developments. Before moving back to BC in 2020, Nola worked in the Edmonton region for a decade and taught planning at the University of Alberta. She earned her planning degrees in Montreal from McGill and Concordia. Nola is from Vancouver, and has lived in London, Dublin, the French Alps, Whistler, and Barbados. Nola recently served as a juror on the City of Kelowna’s Infill 2.0 Competition, served as Host and Chair of the Planning Institute of British Columbia’s 2023 Conference in Sun Peaks, and recently MC'd World Town Planning Day in Vancouver.
Randy Houle RPP, MCIP
Director of Development Services, Town of Oliver
Randy Houle is a Registered Professional Planner with a Master’s degree from the University of Waterloo. Randy has been employed by the Town of Oliver for the past five years as the Director of Development Services and prior to that as a planner with the City of Penticton. Randy acts as the sole planner for the Town and is appointed as the Subdivision Approving Officer. Randy is born and raised in Oliver and is passionate about helping to solve the housing crisis in the town he grew up in.
Brad Dollevoet MSc, RPP, MCIP
Director of Development Services, District of Summerland
Brad Dollevoet is a Registered Professional Planner and a seasoned management executive with over 14 years of municipal management experience. Brad is currently the Director of Development Services with the District of Summerland and has had previous planning director positions in the Okanagan and Alberta. Brad is passionate about rural development and community building for small western Canadian communities.
Alison Espetveidt
Municipal Lawyer at Lidstone & Company
Alison is a municipal lawyer licensed in Alberta and British Columbia. As a legal advisor, Alison is interested in practical and pragmatic solutions to the breadth of complex issues facing local governments.

British Columbia,
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