This event is sold out.
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Please Note:
9:30 am - Registration
10:00 am - Program Begins
Please join the PIBC Vancouver Island North Chapter for this informative day-long legal seminar featuring Bill Buholzer RPP, FCIP, and Alyssa Bradley from Young Anderson. They will be presenting a land-use case law update. The session will be held at the Nanaimo Golf Course and will include a light morning continental coffee service and lunch.
Immediately following the legal session, come join the Vancouver Island North Chapter for an evening social at Landlubber Pub (2220 Bowen Road) from 4:15 PM - 6:30 PM. Please note RSVP is not required for the social.
Registration is mandatory for the legal session:
PIBC Member: $80
Non-Member: $150
Student Registration: $40
Registration Terms:
Registration requires payment in full to be confirmed. All event registrations are final. Unfortunately, refunds for cancellations are not available. However, substitutions of other individuals for a registration may be permitted up until the registration deadline.
Please contact the PIBC office at

British Columbia,