In one of our most exciting events of the year, after months of research, community engagement, partnerships, and planning, our community partners, faculty, students, families, and friends of SCARP now gather at the MCRP Planning Studio final projection presentations, to hear these impressive findings and discuss their proposals in a fair of all projects.
Before entering the professional world as planners, graduate students of the professionally-accredited Master of Community and Regional Planning program tackle not simulated challenges, but real-world problems. These students partner with community, municipal, and private-sector organizations as consultants, in a joint venture to identify problems and formally propose feasible solutions.
Many Planning Studio projects have gone on to transform community-wide programs, benefiting the larger BC community.
This event is a great chance to see many institutional priorities across Metro Vancouver as well as to hear some innovative solutions from UBC SCARP's Planning students. We hope you'll join us!

British Columbia,
V6E 1A7