Join as an Accredited Student Member
Becoming a non-corporate Student Member of PIBC is an excellent opportunity for post-secondary planning students to get connected with the planning profession, network with established professional planning practitioners, take advantage of the services and benefits of the Institute offered to Student Members, and build their future career in planning. Review the Roadmap to RPP which outlines the certification process.
Post-secondary planning students who are currently enrolled full-time in a university planning school/program which is formally accredited by the Canadian Institute of Planners (CIP) & PIBC wishing to apply for Student Membership should click the link below to apply for Student Membership.
Please click here to apply (after the officially start date of your accredited program): Accredited Student Membership Application.
To be eligible: you need to be currently enrolled in an accredited degree program. (SFU Bachelor of Environment - REM Planning: Accredited)
You won't need to apply again, if you are already a Student member with us. Only Non-Members will need to apply to become a member with us.
If your university is not in BC: If you want to join a 2nd affiliation, that would be then an Out of Province (Joint) or Non-Resident Membership. It’s preferred that your main PTIA will be the PTIA, where your university is located and PIBC would be a Non-Resident Membership as 2nd PTIA. Please apply at the same time with both PTIAs, so that PIBC staff will know, that it will be a Non-Resident Membership with them. CIP Student Membership will be connected with your main PTIA.
Click here for PIBC Membership Fees information.
Visit our Membership FAQs page for more information on PIBC Membership eligibility and the Registered Professional Planner (RPP) certification process.
Membership Options for Non-Accredited Students:
Students enrolled in other schools or programs which are not formally accredited by the CIP & PIBC can join as non-corporate Public Subscribers. Becoming a Public Subscriber provides a connection to the profession and some of the same benefits and services. For more details click here.
Please click here to apply (after the officially start date of your non-accredited program): Non-Accredited Student Subscriber Application.
To be eligible: you need to be currently enrolled in a non-accredited program and your expected graduation year needs to be in the current year or in the future. (SFU Bachelor of Environment - GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS: Non-Accredited).
Currently: A CIP Non-Accredited Student Subscription will be connected with your main PTIA while under the Non-Accredited Student category.
Planning West Magazine: Non-Accredited Students will have access to the digital copies only.