Official Documents
PIBC's governance and administration are guided by several key documents. These include the Institute’s founding mandate, bylaws, rules of ethical conduct for members, strategic plan of key goals and initiatives, and a summary report of recent activities and projects. Download copies of a number of PIBC official documents below here.
Constitution & Bylaws:
The Constitution and Bylaws are the official governing documents for the Institute. These documents were revised in 2016 as part of the Institute's transition under the new Societies Act of British Columbia. Included within the bylaws is the Institute's Code of Ethics & Professional Conduct, which is also available as a separate document.
Strategic Plan:
PIBC's Board of Directors maintains a Strategic Plan to guide its set priorities and activities. It is reviewed and updated every two-year Board term.
A copy of the recently revised 2023-2025 Strategic Plan can be downloaded below (or click on the image to view).
Annual Report:
The Institute produces an Annual Report each year, in tandem with every Annual General Meeting. The report provides a brief overview of the Institute's activities over the preceding year, as well as audited financial statements from the most recent fiscal year. The report, along with other various official documents can be downloaded here.
Other Documents:
PIBC and its Committees also provide other useful and informative documents, including reports and survey results, policies, and other official documents on key topics. These include the following:
- PIBC Climate Action Policy 2022 [PDF]
- PIBC Regional Report - 2019 CIP National Compensation & Benefits Survey [PDF]
- 2023 CIP National Employment Survey [PDF]
QUESTIONS? If you have any questions, please click here to contact PIBC Executive Director Dave Crossley.