The deadline for receipt of all proposals is now closed. Thank you to everyone who submitted a proposal. Successful proponents will be contacted regarding selected proposals by early 2021.
PIBC's 2021 Annual Conference will be held June 15th to 18th at the Kwanlin Dün Cultural Centre in Whitehorse, Yukon. We are pleased to invite submissions of qualified proposals for inclusion in the conference program.
The tagline for this year’s conference is planning North of Normal:
Physical distancing, the closure of public buildings and local businesses, the climate crisis and Black Lives Matter protests; people's ability to operate, communicate, and go about their daily lives have been disrupted in 2020. The evolving response to this new reality has significantly changed most of our relationships within Yukon and BC communities and with our neighbours.
To mitigate social, environmental, and economic fallout, it is more important now than ever for industry, communities, First Nations, and governments to come together to ensure that planning and community-building continue to protect the
land, support livelihoods, and strengthen our connections to one another and the places we live.
This conference is about planning North of Normal; it’s about planning in wilderness communities, storytelling, First Nations-led planning, and building healthy communities.
PIBC 2021 Call for Proposals
Submit a Proposal
Presenters are asked to submit proposals for presentations or workshops about planning North of Normal. We are living in a strange “new normal” and as planners we know that we need to adapt in order to survive/thrive under these new conditions.
As northerners, we have often found unusual ways to tackle our problems and, at this conference, we want to focus on planning that is North of Normal with the following themes:
Theme #1 - Planning for the New Normal
Theme #2 - Living with Nature
Theme #3 - Planning Stories
Theme #4 - First Nations Planning
Theme #5 - Building Healthy Communities
Click here for the complete Call for Proposals information package.
The deadline for receipt of all proposals has been extended to 4:00 PM Friday, December 11, 2020 (PST).
Potential presenters should fully complete the ONLINE Program Proposal Submission Form (click here).
All submissions must include the following:
- Presenter (and Co-Presenter if applicable) Biography (50 word maximum per presenter)
- Short Description (50 word maximum)
- Long Description (250 word maximum)
- Learning Outcomes (3 outcomes)
- Meeting the Vision: What makes your proposal unique and how does support Planning North of Normal? (50 word maximum)
Successful proponents will be contacted regarding selected proposals by early 2021.
Thank you! We look forward to planning North of Normal with you!