Recent Award Winners
2017 Awards Program - Call for Submissions
The Call for Submissions and Nominations closed on Monday, February 27, 2017. Thank you!
The 2018 Call for Submissions & Nominations will open in late January 2018. Watch this space!
Award Winners
The 2017 PIBC Awards winners have been officially announced at a special presentation during the Institute's 2017 Annual Conference and Annual General Meeting at Canada Games Plaza in Prince George, BC.
PIBC Awards - Recent Award Winners
It is with great pleasure that PIBC announced the following 2017 winners in their respective categories:
(Click on the award winner's links for a summary of their project)
2017 PIBC Awards for Excellence in Planning & Individual Achievement Winners
Excellence in Policy Planning (Small Town & Rural Areas)
Excellence in Policy Planning (City & Urban Areas)
* Abbotsforward - City of Abbotsford, DIALOG & Toderian UrbanWorks -
* Burnaby Environmental Sustainability Strategy - City of Burnaby, Golder Associates, Integral Group & MODUS
* Surrey Sustainability Charter 2.0 - City of Surrey
Excellence in Planning Practice (Small Town & Rural Areas)
Excellence in Planning Practice (City & Urban Areas)
Research & New Directions in Planning
* Housing & Transportation Cost Burden Study - Metro Vancouver -
* Lower Mainland Flood Management Strategy: Regional Assessment of Flood Vulnerabilities (Project 2) - Fraser Basin Council, Arlington Group Planning + Architecture Inc. & Northwest Hydraulic Consultants
Individual Achievement – Distinguished Professional Contribution
Individual Achievement – Leadership in Advocacy & Innovation
2017 Annual Student Fellowship Awards
- * UBC School of Community & Regional Planning - Cail Smith for Bicycle Storage in Multifamily Housing
- * UNBC School of Environmental Planning - Rebecca Delorey for Collaborative Natural Resource Management: A Case Study of Forestry Sector Operations on Nadleh Whut’en First Nation Territory
- * SFU School of Resource & Environmental Management (Planning) - Michelle Vandermoor for Seeing Through a Sustainability Lens: Lessons from Resource and Environmental Planning